Facebook-owned instant messaging app WhatsApp has reached a new milestone of crossing 5 billion installs on Google Play Store. WhatsApp is the second non-Google app to achieve this mark. Earlier in October 2019, WhatsApp parent Facebook had become the first non-Google app to cross the 5 billion installs.
Most of the app on Google Play Store which has garnered 5 billion installs are from Google and their staggering number of installs is due to the fact that mostly those apps come pre-installed in most of the devices.
On the elite club of 5 billion installs are Google’s Map, YouTube, Play Music, Drive, Chrome, Gmail, and Facebook.
Also Read: WhatsApp to roll out dark mode

WhatsApp was founded in January 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum and got acquired by Facebook on February 19, 2014 for approximately US$ 19.3 billion. It has over 1.5 billion active users in over 180 countries.