How to play PUBG Mobile on PC

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Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds, also known as PUBG, is a Battle Royale game that was created by Brendan Greene, PUBG is now developed by PUBG Corp. which is a Bluehole subsidiary. PUBG Mobile has the highest number of players from India.

In order to play PUBG PC version, you need a powerful and costly PC to run the game. Also, PUBG is not a free version in PC so you need to buy it separately from Steam for around $25. But playing on mobile does not offer you a great field of view and it’s also hard to find the opponents because of the smaller screen.

How to play PUBG Mobile on PC or Laptop?

How to play PUBG Mobile on PC or Laptop

Playing PUBG Mobile on PC will offer you a better experience than playing it on phone, also your PC does not require high-end specs to run it. So it feels like best of both worlds. We can run PUBG mobile on PC by using an Emulator. And there is no risk of getting banned by PUBG because Tencent Games is providing this emulator.

To run the emulator without any issues, your PC needs at least 4GB of RAM or else there is a chance that the emulator in the memory getting cleared. First, you need to download the Gaming Buddy Emulator and PUBG Mobile on your PC separately. Once you install the Emulator, you’ll be able to play PUBG Mobile on PC.

The Gaming Buddy Emulator is a plug & play emulator, you just need to install the 8.4MB package and enjoy your game. The emulator checks your PC specifications and software version and if your PC meets the requirements, it runs the game, being a one time action it takes some minutes.

These are the default keyboard controls that is available on the emulator:

You can also further tweak the controls according to your wish. Tencent Buddy Emulator also has a separate settings centre to tweak the resolution, display quality, and the controls. Moreover the PUBG Mobile’s in-game graphics settings also works on this emulator.

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Posted by Venkt

Author at Androidical

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