
How to increase battery life on Android phones

Android is trying very hard to offer a good battery life. Even the smartphone OEMs are now giving large batteries to compensate for the poor optimization of Android. It just sucks up the battery, even more, when the phone is set to idle. Google every year releases a new version of Android where they are […]

Best Photo Recovery App for Android

Why Do We Need A Photo Recovery App? Seeing tons and tons of redundant images eating up the precious space on your Android device, you would be bound to get rid of a few of them. What would you do if accidentally you deleted an important photo from the gallery? You would probably get baffled […]

Google sets up hashtag #AndroidHelp in Twitter to offer assistance for Android issues

Have you ever faced issues related to you Android operating system and helplessly landed on google search to seek resolution but in vain. Now Google has a set up a dedicated hotline for the devotees of Android. Fire up your queries from your Twitter account with the hashtag #AndroidHelp and Google will provide you assistance […]

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