As per reports, WhatsApp will soon bring a “mention badge” feature in its platform to let users know when they’re tagged in a certain group chat. This goes by hinting through an “@” symbol in the group chat where you’re mentioned by someone. This has been available for some already and is coming to all now.
WhatsApp to introduce ‘mention badge’ feature
WhatsApp has a lot of features to talk about, but most of them are focused on one-on-one chats. Any instant messenger supporting group chats should also value them too, to be attractive to users. In this pursuit, WhatsApp is bringing a new (or rather old) feature to the group chats in its platform for a better experience.
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This is the “mention badge” feature, which is aimed at notifying the user with an @ symbol when he’s mentioned in a group chat. This appears just at the right side of the chatbox before opening and disappears once opened. Once in, it will settle with the same @ symbol at the bottom left corner, and tapping it will take you to the message where you’ve been mentioned.
This is an old feature though but isn’t available for all yet. WaBetaInfo has seen WhatsApp fixing this in the beta version, where everyone would get this once rolled out in a stable update. Realizing where exactly you’re mentioned removes the hassle of finding the chats particularly, and can jump straight into it when notified.
Besides this, the report also reveals a new sticker pack named “Taters n Tots” being introduced, which can be downloaded from the sticker section by clicking on the “+” symbol. Further, there’s a new sticker search shortcut added to the keyboard, where users can search relevant emojis by typing in the relevant keywords.