
Twitter for Android now lets you upload and view 4K images

We all have been sharing our photos on social media because we feel it is the best place to share our photos. However, social media apps are not in favor of us when it comes to uploading images and videos. As almost all of the social media apps compress images to an extent that it […]

Twitter to start testing voice Direct Messages

Brazil will be the first country to witness the initial test Micro-blogging website Twitter is planning to test a feature that will let users send voice DMs (Direct Messages), as per The Verge report. Twitter had already rolled out audio tweets for the iOS users in July this year. According to the report, Brazil will […]

Google sets up hashtag #AndroidHelp in Twitter to offer assistance for Android issues

Have you ever faced issues related to you Android operating system and helplessly landed on google search to seek resolution but in vain. Now Google has a set up a dedicated hotline for the devotees of Android. Fire up your queries from your Twitter account with the hashtag #AndroidHelp and Google will provide you assistance […]

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