4 Tools to download updates on Samsung Galaxy devices

Tools to download updates on Samsung Galaxy devices
Tools to download updates on Samsung Galaxy devices

If you own a Samsung Galaxy device, you surely know the pain of getting the staged rollout of software updates. We never get the updates on time. Or the rollout is very slow as well as there are several issues. So below we have found 4 best different tools which can be used to download updates in Samsung Galaxy Devices.

1. SamFirm_Reborn

Created by a recognised XDA developer Ivan_Meler, Samfirm_Reborn is a resurrected version of SamFirm Tool. The developer decompiled the legacy application and patched the codebase to make it compatible with Samsung’s server-side changes. it is an open-source application and provides a handy command-line interface besides the usual GUI. This can come in handy if you are looking for a tool to flash the stock firmware of your Galaxy device.

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2. SamFirm-continued and SamFwTool

SamFirm-continued and SamFwTool is an open source tool used for the purpose of flashing stock firmware on Galaxy smartphones. You can also use it to update the firmware of your phone or if you wish to change the CSC of your phone. One of the highlights of SamFwTool is the auto-detection feature. Just connect your phone in MTP mode and press “Auto detect” to identify your device model and region code.

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3. SamFirm.js

The whole Samsung firmware downloading trend is now on a different trend. The XDA developer Jesec has made the SamFirm.js a streaming downloader, decryptor and extractor coded in JavaScript. With SamFirm.js you can fetch any kind of Samsung firmware packages, from any of the Galaxy smartphones. This project is a collaboration between developer Jesec and Luk1337.

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4. SamFetch

This is the web API variant of the Samloader project, you can try Samfetch which is developed by XDA member YusufCihan. He implemented the functions in a way that Samloader’s code is working on web routes in order to expose a simplified REST API to download the firmware of Galaxy smartphones.

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Posted by Maaz Perwez

Using the young energy in tech blogging and fantasizing cars. Author at Androidical and loves to write about the latest tech around.

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