Inflation, Istat: in July prices at their highest since 1984

MILAN - Italy's price inflation is unabated.

The preliminary inflation projections announced two weeks ago are confirmed by L'State: Prices increased 0.4% in June and 7.9% in July of 2021.

Additionally, it hastens the increase in prices for the so-called "shopping cart," which is the basket of groceries, personal care products, and household goods.

The protracted wave of inflationary tensions that are expanding to other product sectors is not slowed down by the dip in energy goods prices that was observed in July.

In fact, the cost of processed food, durable and non-durable items, transportation services, and other services is increasing, driving up inflation excluding energy and fresh food.

Taking a closer look at the data reveals that, as previously noted, the prices of Energy Goods slow down as a result of regulated energy while those of non-controlled energy increase by 39.8%, decelerating the costs of leisure, culture, and personal care services.

"Core inflation," which excludes fresh food and energy, picks up speed from + 3.8% to + 4.1% and from + 4.2% to + 4.7%, respectively.

For the general index and the core component, the inflation acquired for 2022 is + 6.7% and + 3.3%, respectively.